
Topic: nsw govt
SAM reported on this community protest way back in March 2007
Picture above and more below: Community rally at Botany Bay Beach off Foreshore Rd, Botany Saturday 3rd March, against expansion of Port Botany guaranteed to increase toxic transport congestion in most of southern metropolitan Sydney. Shade was a premium under the burning late summer day.
Now we read more corroboration of the massive transport impacts that perhaps 2M of Sydney's 4 million residents are sleep walking into, led by the narrow minded hyper growth economics of this sleazy NSW Government. Nor are the official opposition any better, and they must do better to have any credibility.
There are plenty more transport, noise, air pollution and outright dangerous traffic impacts on the way for the sleep walkers as reported here:
7 March 2007 ALP NSW coverup of the Marrickville Truck Tunnel by any other name
Friday, 23 March 2007Container truck tunnel crash is Sydney's future too under ALP transport policies
Mood:don't ask
Topic: election nsw 2007Picture: from News Ltd inside the Burnley Tunnel in Melbourne today after a horror crash that killed 3.As the three major dailies today editorialise to remove the ALP government in NSW in the vote tomorrow, and Ch9 prime time news ruin Opposition Leader Debnam's last pitch due to technical problems with a live cross, a tragic tunnel crash involving container trucks in Melbourne today (Road catastrophe: Tunnel crash kills three) underline everything wrong with the Inner West Motorway tunnel exposed by the press during this election for Sydney: $5b secret road under Sydney | The Daily Telegraph
Container truck numbers from the Port are set to skyrocket under the ALP (Task force to oversee Port Botany expansion. 25/11/2006. ABC News ...) to 3 million per year at least (Port Botany - NSW Department of Planning) but likely even more than that (NSW Ports Growth Plan - Summary Sheet) with massive impacts on the Inner City congestion and suburban amenity from the Port Botany Expansion - 10/11/2005 - ADJ
The ALP over ruled an independent planning Commission of Inquiry (Port Botany expansion plan unwarranted: inquiry. 14/10/2005. ABC ...) and tried to stall the release of that report for 3 months (Port Botany Report - 15/09/2005 - QWN REP) making a new motorway tunnel an inevitability under the Iemma ALP Govt. One can assume fatal truck accidents like this today will also be an inevitability as above.