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Sunday, 24 February 2008
Sunday Talkies: $6B for Nelson's Super Hornet jets cancelled for F-22 Raptors?
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: aust govt

 Image:Two F-22A Raptor in column flight.jpg




Author’s general introductory note (skip this bit if you know this regular weekly column):




This is not a well packaged story. It’s a contemporaneous traverse of the Sunday television free to air political talkies indicating the agenda of Establishment interests: Better to know ones rivals and allies  in Big Politics and Big Media. Indeed it’s the tv version monitoring task similar to what Nelson Mandela refers to here in his book Long Walk to Freedom (1994, Abacus) written in Robben Island prison (where he was meant to die like other African resister chiefs of history in the 19C), at page 208


“..newspapers are only a shadow of reality; their information is important to a freedom fighter not because it reveals the truth, but because it discloses the biases and perceptions of both those who produce the paper and those who read it.”


Just substitute ‘Sunday tv political talkie shows’ for "newspapers" in the quote above.

For actual transcripts go to web sites quoted below except with Riley Diary on 7. And note transcripts don’t really give you the image content value.


Sunday 9 7.30am- 9.30am


Missed the start but like ABC radio early bulletins Sunday the early stories are predominantly foreign based like Pakistan election and Obama presidential race in the USA. This fits the lower audience early and the currency via international overnight newswires leveraging the time difference and convenience of boiler plate media packages.


- adverts are running NSW Govt adverts on water and energy conservation which are blatant PR greenwashing efforts.


- Ross Greenwood business story – Skase reprise. Couldn’t track the detail but usually a strong reporter.


- membership civil liberties debate of organized crime in bikie gangs especially in South Australia. Legal power struggle. Anger is rising amongst bikiers. Prof Arthur Veno Monash University quoted – similar ban backfired, drove moderates to hard core with attempted bombings of police stations.

- Oakes interview with Stephen Smith, as foreign minister. LO looking a little more groomed and side on, buzz cut? Boiler plate Iraq etc. Weight is about Gates as US Secretary of Defence in the country for ‘AUSMIN’ as per ABC tv media pictures on tv news last night, complete with winged shoulder, surely symbolizing something about the Republican regime of W Bush and the credibility of the render loving USA. [as per Millibrand admission UK’s Diego Garcia].


- NATO conference in April attended by Rudd


 [along with his own 2020 summit, rich folks summit for Ayn Rand on in Sydney too.]

- No more troops to Afghanistan. Other things we can do to state building. Canadians are pulling out, 80 casualities.


- missile defence controversy about secret talks, Smith fudges, Oakes not convinced, Fitzgibbon did say they were secret. Son of Star Wars is under discussion. Not going to be rushed, no need to be rushed. [See more at this story by 'former intel officer, Lowy Institute'

Defence umbrella put to the test | The Australian 20/2/08]


 [is this the tradeoff for canceling other ridiculous arms purchases as here:

PM to slash Howard's defence spend 24 Feb 08

THE Federal Government will launch a major cost cutting assault on multi-billion dollar defence projects established by the Howard government. ]

Seems the Raptor is instead being moved up the shopping list says abc tv news 9 am this morning.








10 Meet the Press:  8- 8-30 am


Opening footage Rudd re AWA IR repeal.


Press roundup re FIFA world cup event stalked by Rudd, it’s a vaudeville type PR kicking a footy. Look at moi, look at moi, running in Sunday Sydney SunHerald to take pressure off brand ALP in Sydney (?)


 2nd front pager of note is integrity story about Brian Bourke meeting scheduled for Rudd running in Brisbane Courier Mail. It’s fairly cold story sought to be revived but it shows as in NSW Qld has misgivings about ALP cronyism – something never resolved by Fitzgerald as far back as 1987 after putting the salts through the National Party, and cut off before he got to the crook ALP.


Main talent is Christopher Pyne MP who is still the second string team – PB compere notes it’s a cold line of attack now post election while Pyne beats as best he can.


Mid level journos on panel Cath Hart telegenic complete with contact lenses (?), The Australian , Mark Kenny Adelaide Advertiser (both News Ltd papers) probably telegenic not that there’s anything wrong with that.


Which raises the question of Pyne’s clearly strong grip on rhetoric and policy but presenting as a minority sexuality, whether true or not (as alleged previously in the big media), as we move into the gay Sydney Mardi Gras season. If true we reckon like Bob Brown  long ago, the time is right, post Rudd election. There is no value in living a public political career with half one’s life out of bounds, like Alan Jones against one’s own God given nature. It’s the next big step Christopher, for greatness even.


Haneef cost of the debacle. Coalition supports Keelty in his job, AFP role.


Out take amusing Nicholson animation of ex PM ego line up of apologizers for various flaws. Works quite well.


John Connor again on his ALP ambitious platform with Climate Institute following the Peter Garrett track from real green to greenwash for the ALP? Sufficiently smooth and boofhead ugly to fit right in complete with “going forward” boilerplate. Garnaut very “thoughtful”. Lline of least resistance pragmatic tone.  Get’s on to no compo for owners of generators – pricing signals on energy supported? Roundabout yes, smarter use bills go down.


PB intervenes – big difference anyway whatever we do? China and US waking up to this and we should get ahead of the curve. [Connor gets this right.]


Transcript in due course www.ten.com.au/meetthepress ,



7 Weekend Sunrise: 8.35-40 am Riley Diary  -


Intro re high polling for Rudd v Nelson pulping fiction of Work Choices. Mr Woolfe/Harvey Keitel character “solves problems”


 [reminds of a shady character who gave me a lift over the Nullabor as a kid hitchhiker, Italian gent in a huge LTD who worked as a “problem solver”, that was in 1984 or so.]


Mostly about AWA fridgemagnets and postcards and mouse pads. Props all round, with cardboard Kevinator for the Coalition. Amusing staged presser with 1 cm thick lack of substance PM [KRudd.]


Footage of Coalition etc dinosaurs  ‘wax museum with a pulse’.





Insiders 2: 9- 10am


Intro is inconvenient truth of Garnaut report.


Panel is Karen Middleton sbs, Andrew Bolt News HeraldSun, David Marr smh.


FIFA event in 2018, bread and circuses proposal, laugh.


Cornes in Australian Story re biffo of Tonay Jones.


Harry Jenkins speaker looking at making answer questions, revolution if can do it. Bolt sees credibility gap real politik deliverable.


Andrew Robb in the studio – shadow foreign minister. Stunt of cardboard Kevin.


Panel get their head around the enormity of dangerous climate change, both have profound points to make and its cataclysmic economic and global ecological concerns. Bolt in denial but not nearly so dogmatic in opposition..


Garrett gets a good rap with passion on climate change while noting clearing for a pulp mill and dredging Port Phillip.


Downer gets condemned for hubris even in defeat. House of reps shouldn’t be a retirement home, get to work.


Iemma govt, worst in a generation possibly ever. Marr is a village politician from Calabria adjudicates the village disputes, always a scrum of rough people, not getting in and solving things. Bolt says 4 year term too long, undemocratic.


Footage [not midweek, actually Friday] re Iemma claiming “heads will roll”, no detail of political donation rules. Cassidy says often change the leader, Watkins wrong faction, machine prefer go down in the heap? No. This is NSW says 30 year experience as reporter hand to hand combat comes up from the gutters, beginning of NSW about corruption, property. Marr is soooooooooooooooooooooo right.


Talking pictures: Julie Bishop adapted as Deputy Opposition Leader. Sharp faced, and witted, and ruthless ambition. Find her chilling like an SS officer myself, the boney arsed one 9-5 movie. Shows here tactical nouse with Blair Howard schoolkids impromptu pic fac.


Rich journalists discuss PM use of tax payer funded child minding, irrelevant to wealth, it’s about job rights, ‘just like Mal Turnbull’ completely missing the point that the voters know Big Politics is really money politics and how they got their jobs in the first place.


Wind up – final observations – republic in a fortnight says Marr, Middleton on Afghanistan, Bolt on Nelson.



Home page is http://www.abc.net.au/insiders/



Posted by editor at 9:01 AM EADT
Updated: Monday, 25 February 2008 7:18 AM EADT

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