
Topic: nsw govt
Back in February 2008 we were sceptical whether the general manager's job at Addison Rd Community Centre would ever be advertised to the public as legally required for most public organisations.
For those who follow these things then President and ALP hack Yvette Andrews slipped into the job back in December 2007 for 6 months "temporary" position from her political fixer role as unpaid President.
Andews friend Terry Cutcliffe was enjoying a rent free or highly discounted rent for a 500 sq metre gallery space during her watch causing no end of controversy at the ARC. Apparently he has never submitted accounts of income and expenditure for some 4 years after admittedly renovating the space.
A Board member told this writer the GM's position would be advertised by April 08, that is with 2 months to get someone in the position after Andrews 6 months are up. We feel this is either optimistic or naive. Our source tells us that the May 15 2008 meeting will decide to advertise the position to the public. "If it's not raised then I will raise it" says our brave source.
Well we said back in February 08 don't hold your breath in the state of ALP. And sure enough April 26 and no advert. And we bet there will be no advertising decision on May 15 Board meeting either.
Meanwhile we notice our old stamping ground at Waverley Council has duly advertised it's much more serious and demanding General Manager's position in the press this weekend. In their case they know how to follow the law of equal access to employment in public organisations.
Here was our draft advert for General Manger for Addison Rd Centre, 'biggest community centre in Australia' just to demonstrate how it's done. it seems appropriate when another big Sydney non profit is hitting the skids in the press again today (very sad too):
[True fiction!]
Addison Rd Centre General Manager Job Vacancy closing date 1st April 2008
Posted February 9th, 2008 by Anonymous
Recently arisen, how
brightly you shineAddison Road Centre
Senior Management
INFORMATIONThe Addison Road Centre (ARC) is an equal opportunity employer and values the diversity of its workforce. This means that the person most capable of doing the job will be chosen, without discrimation based on age, sex, pregnancy, disability, race, colour, ethnic or ethno religious background, descent or nationality, marital
status, homosexuality, transgender identity, or carer’s
responsibility.The ARC is an independent organisation pursuing the goal of providing a site where organisations and
individual practitioners in the arts, culture, community and the environment can
work together in a community-owned asset. The ARC aims to be a showcase of how diversity of communities defined either by locality, ethnicity, sexuality, gender, age, ability or interest can operate together to achieve social and environmental outcomes in a context of economic self-sufficiency.MAIN OFFICE
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People, people with disabilities and people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds are encouraged to apply.
General Manager – Salary $65K per annum
Job Ref No: GM08/01
Are you an energetic and experienced manager with excellent interpersonal skills and management
experience willing to be a central part of a team committed to servicing the infrastructure and administrative needs of clients?An opportunity is available to join the team of the Addison Road Centre, Marrickville as it moves forward
with a vital program of community service.The General Manager will be a key role in the provision of best practice administrative services for over 40
tenants and 5 staff. You will need to be committed to protecting the interests and dignity of people in a wide range of community activities. The organisation
is experiencing strong growth in the demand for its services and is undergoing organisational change. You will be working with the Board of elected
representatives to achieve long term change.Selection criteria:
We are seeking a senior manager with extensive experience in a client service organisation who
can demonstrate outstanding leadership and management capabilities. The successful candidate will have experience in significant and successful
organisational change and process strategic planning and financial management skills. A sound knowledge of the issues facing community centres on community
land are contained in the information package available.The operations of Addison Rd Centre are located on 3.4 hectares at 142 Addison Rd, Marrickville in the Inner West of Sydney.
The position has a remuneration package of $65,000 per annum.
Inquiries: Yvette Andrews (02) 9569 7633
Information Packages: Terry Cutcliffe 9518 3709, 0412 590 779
Applications Marked “Confidential” To: Applicants can
apply by email to date: April 1st 2008 or never whichever comes first.